Dear Bronte Members, friends of the Bronte Church family and Guests:
As you browse this website and read this message, I first want to welcome you to the New Year of 2015! What a profound blessing and precious privilege! As you reflect upon the past year of 2014 we have so much to be thankful for; our lives, our family, our friends, our employment, our health, the small things, and above all the One who has made all this possible, our Heavenly Father. As we just celebrated Christmas, thanking God for the greatest gift of love through our Lord Jesus Christ, may we be ever be grateful for gift of God, who is with us.
Often times, we receive gifts and we take them for granted. However, I want to continue to count my blessings. I also want to change some things about myself so that I can learn to appreciate what I have already. Do you appreciate what you have already? Are you thankful for what you have and who you are? We are indebted to many people who have helped us along the way. Let’s not forget to express our thanks. I know am indebted to many people and I try to show my love and appreciate them. Show someone that love, that care, that appreciate, that forgiveness, and that renewed relationship this year. It will change our perspective. I am most of all indebted to God who loves and cares for me and I can never repay His kindness.
I want my life to count. I want today to count. I want to live a life that counts! I am hoping from this day forward in 2015 that is also your heart’s desire adn that this year will be a new lease and chapter for all of us to make the changes we need to in our circumstances, in our relationships, in our interactions, in our associations, ain our lives, and in our spiritual walk. Invite the Lord to be on board in your life, because it is the best and safest place to set our sail, when God is the Captain of our ship.
Set your course and sail on to a bright, blessed, happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2015 to each of you and your families!
Pr D. Saugh 16:17:172015-01-02 16:17:17From the Pastor’s Desk | Well wishes for 2015!
Please join us for this special time of Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving at Bronte Church 17:45:242014-12-31 17:45:24Morning Manna at Bronte Church | 8:30am, January 3rd.
Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously to fulfilling the “Wish List” of the young mother’s at Shifra Home. The gifts were delivered on December 10th. If you want to continue to support the work at Shifra Home, please visit their website for more information on how you can help at:
What is Shifra?
Shifra Home, located in Burlington, Ontario Canada, is a multi-denominational, Christ-Centered maternity residence and resource centre for young, pregnant women and teens. The home provides accommodation, pregnancy counseling and other support services to young women during their pregnancy, childbirth and for a period after the birth of their baby. 23:43:162014-11-21 23:43:16Shifra Home for Unwed/Young Mothers
November 22nd – 29th, 2014 at Bronte Seventh-day Adventist Church 14:31:062014-11-14 14:31:06Back to the Bible! A special Multi-Part Event at Bronte 16:16:282014-11-11 16:16:28Living Radical – Nov 15th, 2014 at Bronte
IMPORTANT: Leadership Orientation Session postponed
/in EventsThis Sunday’s (January 18th) Leadership Orientation Session is postponed until Sunday January 25th
From the Pastor’s Desk | Well wishes for 2015!
/in PastoralDear Bronte Members, friends of the Bronte Church family and Guests:
As you browse this website and read this message, I first want to welcome you to the New Year of 2015! What a profound blessing and precious privilege! As you reflect upon the past year of 2014 we have so much to be thankful for; our lives, our family, our friends, our employment, our health, the small things, and above all the One who has made all this possible, our Heavenly Father. As we just celebrated Christmas, thanking God for the greatest gift of love through our Lord Jesus Christ, may we be ever be grateful for gift of God, who is with us.
Often times, we receive gifts and we take them for granted. However, I want to continue to count my blessings. I also want to change some things about myself so that I can learn to appreciate what I have already. Do you appreciate what you have already? Are you thankful for what you have and who you are? We are indebted to many people who have helped us along the way. Let’s not forget to express our thanks. I know am indebted to many people and I try to show my love and appreciate them. Show someone that love, that care, that appreciate, that forgiveness, and that renewed relationship this year. It will change our perspective. I am most of all indebted to God who loves and cares for me and I can never repay His kindness.
I want my life to count. I want today to count. I want to live a life that counts! I am hoping from this day forward in 2015 that is also your heart’s desire adn that this year will be a new lease and chapter for all of us to make the changes we need to in our circumstances, in our relationships, in our interactions, in our associations, ain our lives, and in our spiritual walk. Invite the Lord to be on board in your life, because it is the best and safest place to set our sail, when God is the Captain of our ship.
Set your course and sail on to a bright, blessed, happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2015 to each of you and your families!
Pr D. Saugh
Morning Manna at Bronte Church | 8:30am, January 3rd.
/in EventsShifra Home for Unwed/Young Mothers
/in EventsThank you!
Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously to fulfilling the “Wish List” of the young mother’s at Shifra Home. The gifts were delivered on December 10th. If you want to continue to support the work at Shifra Home, please visit their website for more information on how you can help at:
What is Shifra?
Shifra Home, located in Burlington, Ontario Canada, is a multi-denominational, Christ-Centered maternity residence and resource centre for young, pregnant women and teens. The home provides accommodation, pregnancy counseling and other support services to young women during their pregnancy, childbirth and for a period after the birth of their baby.

Back to the Bible! A special Multi-Part Event at Bronte
/in UncategorizedDon’t miss this special event!
November 22nd – 29th, 2014 at Bronte Seventh-day Adventist Church
Living Radical – Nov 15th, 2014 at Bronte
/in EventsDon’t miss this special event!
This coming Sabbath (November 15th)
11am – DNA of Original Christianity
2pm – Christ and His Bride-Church
6pm – Present Truth for Adventism
AVAILABLE NOW – Download Recipies from Bronte’s 2014 Vegan Food Fair!
/in EventsWant more?
Download the PDF booklet of recipes from 2013’s Vegan Food Fair by clicking here: 2013 Vegan Food Fair Recipe Booklet