Cosmic Signs
Cosmic Signs
29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Matthew 24:29
Any Adventist who has gone through an end time series would know about the dates of May 04, 1780 when the sun became dark and the moon became red like blood. They’ll also know 1833 when there was a spectacular meteor shower which has been interpreted as the stars falling. In more recent times, as with all things, some wonder if those were the exact events as mentioned here in Matthew 24. The main reason of course is that the sun and moon event are now over 240 years in the past. In 1844, when the first movements of what would be the Adventist church began, those dates and events were all around the same time and you could imagine the excitement and faith they would create. Today, and every year that passes, it diminishes in excitement as something way back in history.
One of the main points against is that these events come ‘Immediately after the tribulation of those days’. Although there were tribulations, this specific tribulation appears to be the one mentioned as being worse than anything in the past or future. Very few would say that the problems during that time could be categorized as that. Then of course the next verse is also used.
30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30
This verse gives the impression that all these events: the tribulation, cosmic signs and second coming are all one after another. There is no hint of a 240 year pause full of other events between such as a two world wars, fall of communism, pandemics, worldwide terrorism to name a few.
Arguments can be made on both sides of the debate. I would instead like to focus on the general theme of verse 29. It is often called ‘cosmic signs’ by theologians as it focusses on the fact that the natural world seems to be warning humanity of Jesus’ soon coming. It makes sense that the verse would focus on the sun, moon and stars as they are the biggest cosmic forces. Perhaps though they are just some examples of all ‘cosmic forces’ that will be used as signs.
We know the Bible often speaks about floods, fires, earthquakes and other disasters. All of those and more have constantly been increasing in number and strength. Perhaps, instead of just looking into the past for events, we should look at what is currently happening all around us.
Could the world be telling us that Jesus is at the door?
God bless,
Pr. Steven Couto