Entries by admin

From the Pastor’s Desk – Sep 30 2017

“We welcome you warmly to the Bronte Church family for another enriching day of study, worship, and fellowship. Today we celebrate our women and their many roles in ministry, service, and care. I recall an English teacher demonstrating the use of punctuation when referring to a lady when he wrote: “Woman, without her man, is […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – Sept 23 2017

Dear Bronte friends, This weekend we are focusing on healthy relationships and families. This is perhaps what many counsellors refer to as the basic unit and building block of society. The English poet, John Donne once remarked, “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part […]

From the Pastor’s Desk September 15 2017

This weekend, our emphasis is on health; a subject that affects all of us. Does it seem like life is often so fast paced, rushed, and with just too much to do?  How does that affect our health? How about our spiritual health? We live in a society and culture that is increasingly becoming commercial […]

From the Pastor’s Desk

Once again, welcome Bronte Church family as we approach the second Sabbath of September. It is a privilege to meet weekly, as if it were like yesterday! The academic school year is back in motion and it’s a busy season for many. Last night when I went to bed and woke up in the morning […]

Pastor’s Post for September 2nd 2017

Welcome to the month of September and the Bronte Church family today as we gather to study, worship and fellowship. The summer months have fleeted by so quickly it’s hard to imagine we are now entering into a new school year for many. Well, we still have a few weeks for summer left so let’s […]

From the Pastor’s Desk | April 21 2017

Welcome to God’s house at Bronte as we gather to study, worship, and fellowship. The saying is that April showers bring May flowers, and given that we have had a steady season of rain, hopefully this rainfall will produce the budding and blossoming of flowers for the coming month. How about our lives? Would you […]

From the Pastor’s Desk – Feb 18, 2017

Welcome to Bronte! We hope and pray that you will experience a renewed sense of joy, meaning, and receive a blessing! We are moving into a season where we may feel anxious, sad, alone, and perhaps our New Year resolutions seem to slide as we relapse to old practices. It’s okay to feel this way. […]

From The Pastor’s Desk – Feb 4 2017

Welcome to Bronte! We are launching our new monthly theme on exploring the character of God. The more we focus on something or someone we are drawn to, we somehow begin to take on characteristics that may resemble that object or person. The question is, “what is our focus for 2017?” What consumes the best […]

From the Pastor’s Desk

Welcome back to church and the Bronte family!  As we gather to study, worship, and fellowship, may we truly experience a fresh anointing of God through the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The new year is still in its infancy and we have time to make adjustments and set things right.  I think of the […]

From the Pastor’s Desk

Welcome to the Bronte Church Family today.  We have gathered this last Sabbath to study, worship, fellowship and give thanks together. It is an exciting and yet solemn time as we are on the eve of a New Year. Where has time elapsed? What have we accomplished this past year? Have we invested more in […]