Monthly Theme for May: “Cultivating Christ and Organic Spirituality”

We look forward to welcoming you to Bronte tomorrow for study and worship on Sabbath, May 07. Please be reminded that this week we have Morning Manna at 8:30am; what better way to start the Sabbath, but bright and early with our Creator?

We have started a new month and have a new theme to explore. We’ll dive in to what it means to grow in grace and allow God to work in our lives. Oftentimes we get so busy in the routine of work, home, family, and other demands that life simply becomes “business as usual” and God takes the backburner as we squeeze out time for Him. However, in order for a seed to grow to become what it was designed and destined to be, it requires intentional time, effort, soil conditions, watering, sunshine, fertilizer, and tender loving care. Only then, in the most conducive environment, can it germinate and grow into the beautiful flora it was meant to be. Similarly, in our Christian experience, we need to cultivate in a setting that will best stimulate growth. The Bible refers to us as branches that should be connected to the vine; in order to yield fruit we must  remain connected while the “Vine Dresser” works to prune and purge us, because apart from Him we can bear nothing (John 15:1-5). So take the necessary time to grow intentionally, experience fully, and act  meaningfully to experience the abundant life that He wants you to have (John 10:10).

Monthly Theme: “Focus on the Family!”

Welcome to Bronte! We pray that your families have been enriched and inspired by the messages on family life these last few weeks. Today, we welcome to the pulpit our guest speaker, Pastor Sarah Oliveira-Augustin, who will conclude this month’s theme. In the book of Jeremiah 31 the Lord says, “‘At the same time… I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.’” (verse 1, NKJV). God wants to be the Head of each one of our families and His desire and design for us, His children, is that we grow and live together in a healthy social, emotional, physical, and spiritual manner. Since the beginning of time, no family has been perfect; we must work together to develop, nurture, and support one another. It is not an easy job; we have to fight for what we wish to achieve. By accepting our families as they are, adopting life changing principles, and ensuring God is the centre of our families, our relationships with each other will greatly improve. Let God be the Lord of your families as you protect, preserve, and promote taking time to worship, study, play, and pray together. God bless each family here today.

From the Pastor’s Desk | Sabbath, April 16, 2016

Welcome to the Bronte Church at worship today.

As we continue our monthly theme “Focus on the Family”, we hope that this month has been treating you and your families well. We pray that you are benefiting from the series of messages that provide some helpful insights on how to create and nurture healthy families. We all need to be whole and healthy individually in order to nurture a healthy family.

Every family member has a rhythm they live by and if it is not in sync with the greater whole it can cause conflict and challenge healthy relations. If one member is hurt or ill, it affects the entire family unit. It is infectious, hereditary, and plays out in how we relate to each other. This may be difficult to overcome the burden or weakness, but it is necessary for one to be address these embedded issues that are often buried or hidden. They may stem from a source of dissatisfaction, depression, disillusionment, discouragement, or damaging experience. This week, we will explore part II on restoring the rhythm of relationships from an individual perspective on what we bring to our families.

A family is like an orchestra or band. If the music is to flow, it must be in harmony. One discordant or missed note can spoil the entire score of music! Likewise, without God (the Conductor) at the centre of our lives, we miss that vital note that makes the music incomplete.

What are the missing or discordant notes in our lives where music is silent or lacks harmony?

What areas do we need God to work more deeply in our individual lives so we can contribute to the health and happiness of our relationships and families?

The Bible says, “Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member of your family.” (Proverbs 7:9, NLT).

Let us get seek the wisdom and guidance we need to restore the rhythm and avoid the dissonance… Becoming one with our Father, we will be sure to make beautiful music in our lives and within our families!

Reflect on Christ’s Great Sacrifice of Love

Welcome to the Bronte Church family! This weekend all around the world people gather to celebrate and remember the time of the passion and Passover. It may be confusing to some who may ask what does chocolates, Easter bunnies and eggs have to do with it? Well, really nothing at all!. During the time of Christ and the celebration of the Passover especially as He was preparing for Calvary, there was also a pagan festival that was also celebrated to the alleged goddess of fertility, spring and light Eostre which became known as Easter and it somehow got mixed in and merged with what people today know as Easter. However, if the truth be told, it really has nothing to do with what the real truth of the occasion is. There are even movies today being produced that portray a more accurate message of the occasion such as recently released Risen and The Young Messiah. This is a time we pause and reflect on the great sacrifice made by the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. Romans 5:8, says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while w were yet sinners Christ died for us,” (NASB). We were in fatal condition and sentenced to death because of sin. But Jesus, came to make a way for us through His grace to be reconciled back to God by bridging the gap with His own life so that through believing and accepting Him as our Saviour from sin and Lord of our life we can not only be forgiven but set free to live a life that honours Him. What will be your response to His love for you? As we celebrate the Last Supper through foot washing and communion at our Lord’s table, may we open our hearts and receive Him in today anew. We have courage for today, hope for tomorrow, and life everlasting because He is risen, for looked where they laid Him, He is no longer there! Let us thank God and remember Him this weekend for His infinite sacrifice of love as we look forward to meeting and eating with Him one day soon at Heaven’s banquet table!

Living your Season with Reason!

Spring is in the air once again! We are transitioning from one season to the next; you can hear the birds chirping, see the grass greening and the buds opening, and observe life returning! Perhaps this is the season that we most enjoy, as it is colourful with character and signifies the renewal of life, full of vibrance and vitality.  Is this what the season looks like to you?  Could you be in need of a renewal of life this spring season?  Could it be that you need some new experience, a new job, a new relationship, new purpose, a new path, or just overall out with the old and in with the new?  The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…” (NKJV).  Well, welcome to the spring of hope.  Seize the moment, bask in the sunshine, grow in grace, live by the Word, walk with purpose, claim your season, and trust in God.  He can give you that sense of renewed purpose, meaning, and a reason to live.  Though the road of life may be difficult, challenging, disorienting, and sometimes unfair, you must carry on because a bend in the road does not mean the end of the road.  If you allow God to be your guide and use His word to be your road map, you will surely be traveling in the right direction.  If you take your hand off the wheel, then give it over to God; His hand on the wheel is better than yours.  As I used to share with many, everyday above ground is a great day.  So go on, live again, breathe again, rejoice again, and hope again — for every day is a gift from God.  Ensure that you live with the right attitude, which will determine your altitude… spread your wings and start soaring to a new height this season!

Monthly Theme: “Just Serve Him!”

Welcome to Bronte today! This month are focusing on serving God. Service to our Lord is done when we help serve one another. Jesus reminds us of this in Matthew 25:40 (NIV) when He says, “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Here at Bronte, there are so many opportunities to help serve our brothers and sisters in the community. For example, today we can share God’s love to a resident at Sunrise Senior Living, to a person who might not have any other visitors other than a church group like ours; this afternoon, we can join the youth as they distribute bags to our neighborhood that will allow households to collect food during the week and next Sabbath, we can help the youth go back to pick up the donations to be delivered for distribution to the less fortunate; next Sunday, we can take part in fulfilling our duties as Park Ambassadors in a clean-up at Langtry Park (a section of 14 Mile Creek); and there are so many other programs at Bronte (just take a glance at the rest of the bulletin!) where we can volunteer. The more helping hands, the lighter the load. Talk to someone today about how/where you can get involved to serve our Lord, as you serve others.

“Seeking God First!”

Welcome to Bronte on this last Sabbath of January. Where has the time gone? Are we all meeting our new year’s resolutions? Are we on target with our goals? For many of us, the year has started at a rapid pace, some on a positive note and others not quite what they expected. Yet, through it all, we trust that perhaps the greater of all resolutions would be to have a closer walk and deeper experience with God. In a book that I read some time ago entitled, “Experiencing God”, the author suggests that we all, at times don’t understand God, His purposes, plans, and projection for our lives. Anything significant that happens in our life will be as a result of God’s activity in our life. Romans 8:28, says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God…” He wants to bring us into a closely knit relationship with Him; the great God of the Universe is small enough to reside in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, “who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20). So may God guide us, lead us, direct our paths, order our steps and bless us all today and from this day forward in His Way, by His Word, and according to His will for our life! Seek Him first, make Him best, and just leave the rest to Him!

January’s Theme: “Seeking God First!”

Pastor D. SaughWelcome to Bronte on Our Lord’s day! When we think about service and witnessing our faith, we often imagine going away, leaving our comfort zone, or being uprooted. However, service and witnessing starts here – in our neighbourhood, at the workplace, in the community, at church, and where our circle of life leads us. The operative key to witnessing as a Christian is influence. The eloquence of our life speaks louder than the eloquence of our words. We don’t have to “preach”, but instead let His light shine through us by doing a kind gesture, sharing a word of hope/cheer, or lending a helping hand. Jesus says in Matthew 5:13-16…

“You are the salt of the earth… you are the light of the world… Let your light shine before [people] that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Let’s ask for God’s grace, seasoned with love, to help us be the salt that adds flavour and be the light that dispels the darkness within our circle of life, all for our Father’s glory!

Season’s Greetings From the Pastor’s Desk


When we think about this time of year, it is nostalgic in some ways. The season affects us all differently. Some get happy, warm fuzzies, and excited. Others look forward to good food, fellowship, gift exchanges, family time, and rest and relaxation. However, for another group, it can be a time of deep reflection, sadness, or perhaps loneliness. We may not all celebrate the same way, but we can all celebrate about this one most indispensable, indisputable, and immeasurable gift of God’s love, JESUS, the REASON for the SEASON. We can be certain; we are never alone, for He is Immanuel, GOD WITH US. In the good times and in the bad times, in the warmth and in the cold, in our sadness and in our gladness, in our losses and in our gains, He is GOD WITH US! We have reason to celebrate because He is our hope; He has brought peace, good will, good news; He is the greatest gift that we can receive, and share with others. Let us make room and make Him every part of our lives, our homes, and our families. May we pause again, take a moment, catch our breath and remember why we reflect. Will you let Him into the “Inn” of your heart today? Be blessed this season and accept God’s greatest gift of love, His only begotten Son, wrapped in swaddling clothes as a babe, who became a man, who became our Savior, and who is become our song, our strength, and our Salvation! What a God! Blessings to everyone this week.

A Special Message from the Pastor’s Desk (Fall 2015)

Pastor D. SaughChange is here!!!  Are you seeing the changes all around you?  Are you experiencing a change in clothes, weather, and life?  We see the falling and changing of the leaves with its various hues and coloration.  We see what was once green transition to brown-orange-reddish shades.  Seasons come and seasons go.  We having “fallen” into the Fall season and with it comes change.  It signals a new season and also preparation for the next season.  Change is inevitable.  We are confronted by change.  However, change is never easy.  We either accept or reject it.  Embracing change in a positive way that helps us to grow, mature or develop is the best way to approach it.  And such is life…we change…our bodies, our careers, our goals, our dreams, our families, our children, and our perspective.  Hopefully, we look for the positives that change brings and accept those things we cannot change.  Through it all, we need to live life with resonance!  Choose to change for the better, the change that enhances our lives, the change that improves us, the change that is acceptable despite our circumstances!  As people of hope, we believe that there is a greater change coming.  We live in a world where not all change is good, happy or positive, but we can hold on to the fact that when God is at the centre of our lives, He makes changes for our good.  The Bible says that “all things work together for good to then that love him…” Romans 8:28.  We also know that though everything on this side of eternity may not seem to change for the better but one day an ultimate change is coming that which if for our eternal good.  1 Corinthians 15:31 says, “Behold, I show you a mystery…but we shall all be changed…” that change will be permanent, perfect, and perpetual.  The things we lost, the changes that affected us adversely, will all be changed once and for all for the better because that change will restore everything and that season will never end.  Walk toward and wait till your change comes!