Bronte Lynx Pathfinders – #1!
/in Events, UncategorizedWe’d like to congratulate our Bronte Lynx Pathfinders for obtaining 1st place in the Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) – District level, this past Sunday afternoon at the Mississauga Church (Feb. 8th, 2015). The next round will be the Conference level, on Sabbath March 7 at College Park Church in Oshawa.
Thanks to the coaches, staff, parents and team for the hard work put in for the preparation prior to this competition.
A Special Event at Bronte – ‘Everyone, A Medical Missionary’
/in Events“We have come to a time when every member of the church
should take hold of the medical missionary work.” 7T62
Click to download the flyer for this upcoming event…
[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange”] ECYC Medical Missionary Forum at Bronte (Mar 27, 28th) [/button]
Bronte Church Unveils New Auto-Emailing System
/in Events, UncategorizedOn Sunday, Jan. 25th, Bronte Seventh-day Adventist church unveiled its new auto-email communications tool to a small sample of the church’s membership. The goal is to have everyone from the church who uses email sign up to receive notifications from the website whenever a new posting is made. If you would like to sign up to receive email notifications from, you may do so by filling in the form in the sidebar to the right or on the form found on the home page.
The Bronte Communications Department
IMPORTANT: Leadership Orientation Session postponed
/in EventsThis Sunday’s (January 18th) Leadership Orientation Session is postponed until Sunday January 25th
Morning Manna at Bronte Church | 8:30am, January 3rd.
/in Events
Please join us for this special time of Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving at Bronte Church
Shifra Home for Unwed/Young Mothers
/in EventsThank you!
Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously to fulfilling the “Wish List” of the young mother’s at Shifra Home. The gifts were delivered on December 10th. If you want to continue to support the work at Shifra Home, please visit their website for more information on how you can help at:
What is Shifra?
Shifra Home, located in Burlington, Ontario Canada, is a multi-denominational, Christ-Centered maternity residence and resource centre for young, pregnant women and teens. The home provides accommodation, pregnancy counseling and other support services to young women during their pregnancy, childbirth and for a period after the birth of their baby.
Living Radical – Nov 15th, 2014 at Bronte
/in EventsDon’t miss this special event!
This coming Sabbath (November 15th)
11am – DNA of Original Christianity
2pm – Christ and His Bride-Church
6pm – Present Truth for Adventism
AVAILABLE NOW – Download Recipies from Bronte’s 2014 Vegan Food Fair!
/in Events
Download Recipes from Bronte’s 2014 Vegan Food Fair HERE
Want more?
Download the PDF booklet of recipes from 2013’s Vegan Food Fair by clicking here: 2013 Vegan Food Fair Recipe Booklet
Bronte Celebrates 25 Years!
/in EventsBronte Seventh-day Adventist Church is celebrating 25 years! Join us as we praise God for all that He has done for us. Special programs begin at 7pm on Friday, October 3rd. Please reference the online calendar or bulletin for more details.