Lose Yourself

Lose Yourself

30 He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

John the Baptist never got many breaks. There is a reason why Jesus calls him the least in the kingdom of heaven:

“Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Matthew 11:11

It’s a very strange statement. Jesus calls him the greatest and least in the same breath. He is the least because he is born with nothing, lives with nothing and died with nothing, alone and headless. Yet Jesus recognizes his greatness because John experiences all of that while still pressing forward and accomplishing his goal. He is one of the greatest victims which gives him one of the greatest victories.

The secret to all of his greatness, even in the face of such hardships, is found in today’s verse. John new his place and he knew his role. He was not the Messiah but was simply preparing the way for the true Messiah. That mission would never lead to exaltation. That role would always remain in the shadows.

That reality is hard for many people. As humans we like power, popularity and exaltation. We like people saying our name with love. Every interview with singers expresses this point. Even those who don’t like to be center stage still relish in being mentioned and thanked for a job well done.

We like to be recognized and having that ‘decrease’ is not something we like to go through. Somehow John accepted and even thrived with that reality. Even when he questioned Jesus as to whether he was the true Christ, it was less about his suffering and more in his possible failure of his mission.

That brings this message now to us. Are you scared that perhaps Jesus want you to decrease as well? Is there a hesitation sometimes because we feel that perhaps we will lose respect, power or position? Are we sometimes more focused on ourselves than on Christ even when it comes to ministry?

There is much to be gained by studying the life of John the Baptist. His character and drive is something we can all gain in copying. May we find peace and even joy in decreasing while Christ increases in our lives.


Pr. Steven Couto