Twelve Legions of Angels
Twelve Legions of Angels
53 Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?
Matthew 26:5e
The first thing that I want to say is that it really looks like God has a thing for the number twelve. It is a number that is seen, not only throughout the Bible in various forms but also in nature and math. So I guess it’s no surprise that if Jesus was going to call several legions of angels to his aid, that he would make it twelve of them.
More importantly, he we get a real glimpse of the true sacrifice and battle that waged within Jesus’ heart and mind as he faced his death on the cross. While it would have been terrifying for anyone to go through, Jesus did so knowing full well that he could stop it at any moment. With a single word or even thought, al his enemies would die at his feet. The problem of course is that if Jesus were to use his power to save himself or even relieve his pain, Satan would claim that it was proof that God’s way of life was impossible to keep; even his Son as a human could not bear to live under it.
The results would be a domino effect that would all but end the world. If God’s way of life was too hard to keep, impossible even, that would make God himself a tyrant with rigid laws. His future punishment of Satan, his angels and those humans who rejected God would be seen as unfair. God’s very character and nature would be doubted and in turn the universe will begin to fall apart.
And this is where Jesus is now found between a rock and a hard place. The unfair punishment that he carries, along with the whole world’s accumulated sins, is leading his to a painful death while an easy escape means the destruction of his perfect heavenly universe. He had the power to decide but he left it in God’s hands: “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39
That is the true love of Jesus. That act shows the true unity and trust that existed between the Father and Son. That is the type of character we must struggle to achieve here on this earth while there is still time. One day, we may find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. Perhaps some of us have already been there or are there now. We must have a relationship with God and a trust that will allow us to put our decision in His hands as well.
If we know Him, then we will be assured that whatever the outcome may be, that our salvation is sure. Sometimes the outcome may hurt, even a lot, but just remember that it was painful for Jesus as well. There is nothing that God will not let us pass through that His Son did not pass Himself.
God bless,
Pr. Steven Couto