
This is the weekend in Canada when we celebrate thanksgiving. We’ve celebrated thanksgiving ever since the pilgrims landed on North America’s beaches and thanked God for all his provisions. The Bible says in 1 Chronicles 16:8 to “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” When was the last time you shared something you can give God praise for? What has the Lord done for you this week, last month, or in 2019 so far? I hope you can think of something because we’ll all have an opportunity to share it this morning. One thing I think we can all be thankful for as a church family, is the decision Aaron, Brian, Daniel, and Rebecca made to be baptized. There is no greater joy in heaven than someone giving their heart and lives to Jesus Christ… and, along with their families, we can all take part in that joy. Let’s take today to celebrate the goodness of our God and how He’s been working in our lives!