Summer is going by so quickly

The summer is going by so quickly and we can hardly believe where the time is fleeting by. We trust that the summer days are treating each of you well. Have you ever had to make changes to your life? Sometimes change can be challenging and difficult, but change is a constant of life; change is inevitable, and we have to learn to adjust. Often times, conflict is a function of that change. By nature, we tend to avoid change and even avoid conflict as much as possible. Consequently, it is inescapable. Hopefully, this change makes us better, wiser, and moves us forward. In this life, there will be changing circumstances, challenges, and conflicts and unless we learn how to deal with change, it can get to the better of us. We much try to adopt an approach that allows us to face any changes that may affect us by “rolling with the punches” or having a “when life deals me lemons, make lemonade” attitude. Most importantly, gain assurance from the Apostle Paul’s words, “I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me (to fulfill His purpose — I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace” (Philippians 4:13). No one person can do anything alone. We will fail, make a mess, hurt ourselves and sometimes hurt others, but in Christ, through Christ, and with Christ in us, we can confront any change or challenge and know that He is with us.