Losing Hour of Sleep

Well, it’s that time of year again! This Sunday we lose one hour of sleep in the morning as we set our clocks forward. But even though this may bother some, I love it because it means that spring, warmer weather and longer days are just around the corner. Not to mention that we won’t have to drive to and from work in the dark. As a pastor, I noticed that many stories about God in the Bible have the same feeling. To some, the same story can be great but for others, bothersome to say the least. For Christians, we read a story about God and we accept it because we know what God is like. But what about those who don’t know the God of the Bible? What happens when they read a story where God’s actions don’t make sense, stories like the one we’ll be looking at today. Let me ask you, what do you think of when you read the story of the flood in the Bible? What kind of image do you get of God in that story? As we move through the topic of getting closer to God this quarter, I’m glad you came to Bronte today because even though on the surface the story of the flood can strike us as odd or even downright troubling, we will learn something new about the character of God.