From the Pastor’s Desk – Nov 25 2017

“Will we have the opportunity to welcome you to our Bronte family, this last Sabbath of November, as we conclude our theme on the Reformation and its impact on our spiritual life and Christianity? Our guest speaker, Pastor Casey will give us a final challenge as we deeply reflect on the “Morningstar” of the Reformation. A pertinent excerpt from The Great Controversy further enlightens us. “The influence of this one man (Martin Luther), who dared to think and act for himself in religious matters, was to affect the church and the world, not only in his own time, but in all future generations. His firmness and fidelity would strengthen all, to the close of time, who should pass through a similar experience. The power and majesty of God stood forth above the counsel of men, above the mighty power of Satan” (p. 166). What are we willing to address or stand up for where our faith and our God are concerned? Do we mind or care about it enough that we would dare to be different? May our faith continuously stand firm and be fortified by God’s Word in these closing times of earth’s history as we strive to overcome the world (1 John 5:3-4) Let us walk hand-in hand with God, move away from the world, draw close into His loving arms, stand up for Him, kneel down to Him, take our place under Him, feel Him watch over us, see Him work around us, and allow Him to work in us and through us! ”

– Pastor Daniel D. Saugh

From the Pastor’s Desk – Nov 18 2017

We look forward to welcoming you to the Bronte Church family as we will soon celebrate another Sabbath in study, worship, and fellowship. We are grateful for each of you who meet, greet, and come together each week. We miss those of you who cannot and have not come for a while and wish to see you soon again. I often think how different it would be like if we did not have a family unit, circle of friends, or support/social group. What if that was taken away from us; how would we feel and how different would our lives be? In what ways would it affect us? Would we feel disconnected, despondent, and depressed? Thank God for our inner circles and those who accept us. Sociologist Daniel Bell once said that, “culture is the effort to provide a coherent set of answers to the existential situations that confront all human beings in the passage of their lives.” We all have a culture we belong to, one we identify with and that somewhat defines us. Apart from human, ethnic, and personal culture, what type of culture should we cultivate as Christians? The Christ culture, a Christo-centric culture, should supersede and surpass all earthly cultures, creating a sense of spiritual cohesion and unity within the body of Christ. If there is any place that we should feel comfortable, be caring, and find commonality, community, acceptance, and love, it should be in the church. The Bible says, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting (encouraging) one another so much more, as you see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). The coming day of the Lord is fast approaching. How will the world know about your faith? How does our church represent God to the world? How do you represent God to the world? We have a culture in Christ that should make our hearts beat in unison as Jesus prays that we “may all be one even as He is with His Father” (John 17:21). Being “one” doesn’t mean we all have to look, sound, or think the same, but it does mean we are one in faith, hope, love, purpose, passion, mission, and our culture in Christ, so that we may have a deeper connection, a greater meaning to our lives, and a higher purpose we serve. The blood of Jesus binds us together by cords of love. May the world see Jesus in you and me and may all other ground be sinking sand.

– Pastor Daniel D. Saugh

From the Pastor’s Desk – Nov 4th 2017

We can’t wait to greet you and welcome you to the Bronte family and to the month of November as we gather to study, worship, and fellowship this Sabbath day. We are one month away from the last month of the year! The changing colours, the crisp air of autumn, and the falling leaves all beckon the beauty of the fall season. What a time of the year, when it feels like it is countdown, yet also a time to just pause and reflect on what is ahead. There have been so many changes in our world; the natural, political, environmental, social and religious world transforms so fast. Every day, headlines read something new, different, and even frightening. What word of hope can we hold onto and from what reliable source? Are the news, the media, or internet enough? We recently had the 500th commemoration of the Reformation, and one pillar of faith that was established was the authority of God’s word. How much does it mean to us? I would propound for thought that without the Bible, we could not be a Christian! Where would we be without it? Jesus Himself states that His words ‘are spirit and they are life’ (John 6:63). We must live by every word! God’s word cannot fail and will not ‘return unto Him void’ (Isaiah 55:11). We can bank on it and go to the bank with it!”

— Pastor Daniel D. Saugh