Monthly Theme: “Cultivating Christ and Organic Spirituality”

Hello.. I look forward to seeing you all at Bronte tomorrow!

Have you ever thought about the cravings that we get – food we must eat, power we desire, possessions on top of our want list? We live in a society where what we crave, we strive to achieve, be it big or small. But how many times do we crave God’s Word?

1 Peter 2:1-3 (NKJV), “Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”

What does it mean to “desire” Him? Think about it as a craving – longing for God, urgently needing to speak with Him, desperately wanting Him in your life, filling that void that you might have. Just like how milk fills our physical needs, our spiritual life also is dependent upon having a relationship with our Lord, and what better way to get to know Him than through prayer and reading the Bible so we can aim to follow Him?

Think about your spiritual journey right now. Do you “got ‘milk’?” in your life? If not, crave God, and cultivate a relationship with Him, today!

Once you get a taste of Him, He’s so good, you won’t let Him go.

Pastor Saugh

Monthly Theme for May: “Cultivating Christ and Organic Spirituality”

We look forward to welcoming you to Bronte tomorrow for study and worship on Sabbath, May 07. Please be reminded that this week we have Morning Manna at 8:30am; what better way to start the Sabbath, but bright and early with our Creator?

We have started a new month and have a new theme to explore. We’ll dive in to what it means to grow in grace and allow God to work in our lives. Oftentimes we get so busy in the routine of work, home, family, and other demands that life simply becomes “business as usual” and God takes the backburner as we squeeze out time for Him. However, in order for a seed to grow to become what it was designed and destined to be, it requires intentional time, effort, soil conditions, watering, sunshine, fertilizer, and tender loving care. Only then, in the most conducive environment, can it germinate and grow into the beautiful flora it was meant to be. Similarly, in our Christian experience, we need to cultivate in a setting that will best stimulate growth. The Bible refers to us as branches that should be connected to the vine; in order to yield fruit we must  remain connected while the “Vine Dresser” works to prune and purge us, because apart from Him we can bear nothing (John 15:1-5). So take the necessary time to grow intentionally, experience fully, and act  meaningfully to experience the abundant life that He wants you to have (John 10:10).